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English version - Interview LoL avec Ender, nouveau caster en LCS EU

Interview LoL avec Ender, nouveau caster en LCS EU
English version
  • Version française

The merry-go-round of the interviews is not over, as we propose you today the EnderCasts' one, colour caster at the EU LCS of League of Legends for June 2018. Portrait of this up-and-coming American caster.

EU LCS Summer Split Week 1 - League of Legends
EU LCS Summer Split Week 1

Interview with Ender

Hello Ender ! Last week, Splyce (6-6) scored a major upset against Misfits (10-2). What did you think about the game ?

It was a really slow game, Misfits did mistakes, but it was interesting because Splyce really stepped up. I loved their composition with Zoe Mid and Jhin ADC, especially during the last teamfight, when Nisqy countered the Orianna's R - Shock Wave with his movement speed. Splyce played comfort picks, and it's how they are able to defeat top teams like Misfits.

Do you see Misfits win this Summer Split ?

I definitely think Misfits can be top 2. The only team that can be above them is Fnatic. Sencux was sick in that game, so I would be surprised not to see them in the finals taking down FNC.

Ender and casting

What did you do before being a caster ?

I started out working as a referee in 2017 (in NA LCS), then in july I became a playtester. I just had to play the game and test the new contents before their official release, like Xayah and Rakan. I literally dominated these test games, and it's how I started to stand out. Then Trevor "Quickshot" posted on Twitter that he was looking for colour casters, and I dropped my VODs in public. He replied "check your DMs !", and that's where he told me that I was in, but I would not start before the Summer Split.

According to you, how can someone become a caster ?

Basically, I started casting two years ago, I was playing in amateur league and I was like high Diamond - low Master. Akaadian (jungler for OpTic Gaming) played with me, but I told myself that I would not become pro player, so I wanted to be a pro caster instead. I was very active on the socials, like Twitter and Reddit : you have to put yourself out there because there are always people looking for casters, including for the small events. When you start, you're not gonna get money, but you will gain experience and connection with people. I met some, I improved myself, I got better and I kept working. To become pro in casting, you have to keep faith and above all be lucky to get the opportunity.

What are the main qualities to become a caster ?

A great game knowledge, understand League and to feel comfortable in front of the camera. Staying natural being filmed is the biggest saying : to deliver good information while entertaining the audience, and make sure you can be yourself.

Do you have rituals before going on stage ?

Play-by-Play casters who need to talk really fast do vocal warm-ups, some start rapping faster and faster, but I like to sing or to listen to chill music to get the mood. Headphones on, I can get away from everybody to get ready, then I walk out on the stage to spot the zone. I like to stand behind the desk as well, to check out people, it makes me relax and feel good.

In France, we talk about the "Silver-Casters", is there a specific level to get in League to cast ?

To have a specific level helps, Medic is Diamond II for an exemple, even if it's less important for play-by-play casters. You must have a good relation with the game itself, but even if you only watch the game it's totally fine. You can totally be a pro coach or caster and not be Diamond. But the higher ranked you are, the better it is for appearances.

"The higher ranked you are the better it is for appearance."
Christopher "Ender" Frierson

When you're not at the LCS, how does your schedule look like ?

I work five days a week, tuesday to thursday : we have meetings to write the script, about matches, players highlights, in a word the general preparation. Then friday and saturday are the show days, which are very big days. Then sunday and monday are free days. Before the show, we read the script, we do a few rehearsals, we check the graphics etc. Any last minute prep is useful.

Until today, you only casted in studio right ?

I used to cast only on Twitch, then I did one live event, but the LCS are a big change for me. But the more cameras, the better for me.

About NA LCS

You were a referee in NA yourself, what do you think about the state of the solo queue there ?

They talk about 60 ping, it's true that it can be irritating but I don't think that it has that much of an impact on the region's level as a whole. When I started to play, I had only 18ms and it was amazing, but 60 is not unplayable either. People don't take it seriously, but it will pass with time, when people will find a better topic to talk about on Reddit and Twitter.

League of Legends

Many french fans follow OpTic Gaming and their coach, Zaboutine, what do you think about the journey of OpTic Gaming so far this season ?

They look pretty good right now, they are at the 5th place so things are looking up for them. Perhaps they won't be in finals, but they will probably be at playoffs at this point.

What do you think about the meta at the moment, specially after the 8.11 changes ?

The major point here is on the bottom lane and there will be, I think, buffs to critics marksmen. But it remains an interesting meta, there is more diversity, you can structure your comp and there are different types of botlane carries. Hans Sama for an example has been very successful and he has played regular ADCs only, whereas Hjarnan has played mages only, but the majority of players are quite flexible. The question is "how do your team can approach that", which is nice to see, as they move players between different roles.

Fun Facts

Which role do you main ?

I play jungle, and I'm a main Rek'Sai and Kennen. Kennen was my first main, I played him top and mid, and when I got to Platinum, I realized I wasn't good at League of Legends, but at Kennen, so I changed lane (laughs). I became a jungler, and I put all my time on jungle.

There has been rumors of a League MMO : would you like that ?

I would love it, but what I would really love is a single player adventure game, like Skyrim. That would be the dream !

If you could be a champion for a day, who would you be ?

Ekko, I could have some fun. He's a cool dude, and I could keep rewinding time to do things over again. I would be a pro player at the LCS, and during a game I would say "Oh no, they took Baron !", so I rewind time, I take the Nashor and win everything !

We thank him again for his time, we hope that you liked this interview, and hope to see you soon for our next interview.

Interview avec Weldon Green, ancien coach assistant chez G2 Esports et TSM

Interview de Weldon Green, coach assistant des TSM, mais aussi et surtout des G2 Esports en 2017. Il nous livre son avis sur le roster présent, son vécu, ses souvenirs et surtout ses sentiments personnels à propos de cette équipe, qu'il juge comme étant l'une des meilleures au monde.

  • Version française
  • English version


En Continu

18:00 LoL : La Coupe des Étoiles fait son grand retour !
19:30 MSI : Le Play-In a rendu son verdict ! On connaît les 2 dernières équipes qualifiées pour le Main Event !
17:00 "Ayez peur de cette mise à jour", attention le nouvel anti-triche de LoL pourrait causer de gros problèmes à votre PC ou vos écrans !
12:15 LoL : De grosses annonces pour les rosters LEC et LFL de la Karmine Corp !
20:30 Les refontes sur League of Legends peuvent sauver des personnages, et voici 6 champions qui devrait recevoir la même attention que Skarner
15:40 MSI : Les deux premières éliminations du tournoi !
15:40 MSI : L'Occident entre humiliation et belle résistance
20:00 LoL - Patch 14.10 : La cour féérique est de retour avec 4 nouvelles apparences absolument magnifiques
15:00 MSI : 2 matchs, 2 victoires faciles dans ce deuxième jour du Play-In !
15:30 MSI 2024 : Flyquest et T1 réussissent leur entrée dans le tournoi !



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LCK Spring Split : Une finale qui entre dans la légende !
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à découvrir

League of Legends : Tier List des champions en Saison 13
Guide pour Ahri Mid en S13
Guide pour Ashe ADC en S13