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Showmatch CSGO mousesports vs Property
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After a first very successful Showmatch on Counter-Strike : Global Offensive, Millenium announces another Showmatch between two strong teams : mousesports and Team Property.

Two weeks ago, Epsilon won its Bo5 against Copenhagen Wolves despite a complicated start from the frenchies. Following the success of the first Showmatch, Millenium decided to organize a new Showmatch, this time between the Swedes of Team Property and the Germans of mousesports. The match will be played in Bo5, with the same veto system and the same map pool, and will be broadcast on Tuesday, October 7th at 7pm on the Millenium TV, with Alka and Spoke.

These two teams never officially met, so it will be the opportunity to see the new line-ups in action. The German squad, made of european talents, will face a pretty new team including old stars of CS, such as Marcus "zet" Sundström and Marcus "Delpan" Larsson, whose first matches have been very promising. If the last one already proved that he is still good with the AWP, the first has retrieved a level close to his own on CS 1.6 and keeps improving. It will be interesting to see the duel between Marcus "Delpan" Larsson and Chris "chrisJ" de Jong, and to see if the German squad got the time to prepare following the departure of Oliver "kzy" Heck. This game promises to be very exciting since these two squads are currently improving their strategies and teamplays.


Showmatch mousesports vs Team Property


When : Tuesday, October 7th, 7pm (GMT +2).

Where : Online.

Rounds : Bo5.

Cashprize : 500 $

500 $

Stream : Millenium

Opponents : Two teams.

Invited teams
mousesports chrisJ, allu, LEGIJA, tabseN, Maikelele
Team Property
zet, Delpan, Jumpy, Spitfire, emilio




Team Property

The Swedish team made headlines when we learned its creation and the comeback of Marcus "zet" Sundström and Jimmy "Jumpy" Berndtsson on the scene. Right now, Team Property is engaged in only one competition, the Fragbite Masters 3. The team qualified by beating k1ck, myXMG and EYES ON U. This Showmatch will be the opportunity for the Swedes to improve their strategies and to strengthen the group cohesion. Let's go back to the players background :


Joel « emilio » Mako

Since his arrival on CS:GO, Joel "emilio" Mako never had luck. Whenever he found a team, it disbanded or parted ways with the organisation. He began with Absolute Legends, then SK Gaming before ending up at Team Property. It's useless to say that he never got the chance to shine. Hopefully he will success with his teammate, Marcus "Delpan" Larsson, because he is a talented player, too offen underrated.


Marcus « zet» Sundström

Marcus "zet" Sundström is the last player to make the transition on Counter-Strike : Global Offensive. The former 1.6 star played for Meet your Makers, SK Gaming and Ninjas in Pyjamas, before joigning today Team Property, his first team on the VALVe new opus. He already started to show some good things and keeps improving. It will be interesting to see him in this Showmatch.


Marcus « Delpan » Larsson

The famous 1.6 sniper made headlines when he left Lemondogs for SK Gaming. Indeed, many thought that Marcus "Delpan" Larsson was going to retrieve his level he had on 1.6 and reborn the old SK Gaming roster. Unfortunately, he took more time than expected to retrieve his level and his teams showed some bad performances. Since those experiences, he has retrieved his level, his team has been kicked by SK Gaming and here he is, in a new project, with his former teammates : Marcus "zet" Sundström and Jimmy "Jumpy" Berndtsson.


Jimmy « Jumpy» Berndtsson

Jimmy "Jumpy" Berndtsson recently came back to Counter-Strike with the FlipSid3 Tactics team, which he decided to leave when Team Property has been created. He is a great player, as his teammates Marcus "Delpan" Larsson and Marcus "zet" Sundström, who he played with when they were in Meet your Makers. He brings a lot of experience to the team and will be a player to follow during this Showmatch.


Christian « Spitfire » Schiölde

After Lemondogs, Absolute Legends,, n!faculty, TEAMGLOBAL and FlipSid3 Tactics, Christian "Spitfire" Schiölde is part of the new project of Delpan & co. If he is not as spectacular as his teammates, this player got a lot of experience, he is always here when you need him and can make the surprise at any time. With such teammates and a big motivation, he can make a lot in this team.





The German squad is actually composed of five players from different countries. Indeed, Chris "chrisJ" de Jong is Dutch, Johannes "tabseN" Wodarz is German, Nikola "LEGIJA" Ninić is Serbian, Aleksi "allu" Jalli is Finnish and Mikail "Maikelele" Bill, who is playing as a stand-in, is Swedish. If the team is still looking for a 5th player, mousesports is a very dangerous team which often make good online results. The squad is currently engaged in the ESEA Invite XVII finals and in the group B of the Fragbite Masters 3.


Chris « chrisJ » de Jong

Often criticized for his "suspicious" online actions, Chris "chrisJ" de Jong proved that he is an excellent Dutch sniper who made a lot in his former teams, on other Counter-Strike versions. He is part of mousesports for a long time, he brings his vision of the game, his experience and a lot of skill. Being one of the most spectacular players, he will show some good tricks during this Showmatch and will be a player to follow. He is part of the national Dutch squad engaged in the ESEC 2014.


Johannes « tabseN» Wodarz

The only German player is playing with Chris "chrisJ" de Jong for more than two years and is an experienced player too. He is a good rifle who lives near the mousesports' gaming house. He attended many ESL Pro Series in Germany. He is part of the national German Squad engaged in the ESEC 2014.


Nikola « LEGIJA » Ninić

The Serbian player is a player to follow in this Showmatch. Indeed, the former dotpiXels has been recruited by mousesports following the German ESL Pro Series. He has a lot of skill and has a capacity to turn a round in his favour. He already proved that he is a talented player, always here for the major events. He is part of the national German squad engaged in the ESEC 2014.


Aleksi « allu» Jalli

Aleksi "allu" Jalli is the last player recruited by mousesports. The famous finnish rifle proved several times that he is a man who can be relied on. Indeed, with is amazing skill, he is often the topfragger and keeps his ratio beyond 1.10. Without much success with his former teams, it seems that this team is finally the good one for him. He will be, like many other players, a man to follow during this Showmatch. He is part of the national Finnish squad engaged in the ESEC 2014.


Mikail « Maikelele » Bill

Mikail "Maikelele" Bill will play as a stand-in for mousesports for the team's next events, including the Millenium Showmatch. The former LGB eSports, free since he left Team Orbit and best-known under the "eksem" nickname, will bring the skill and experience he gained during the last years. He is a swedish player who already proved that he got talent. Hopefully he got sufficient time to practice with this team.

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Kojima il y a 9 ans

Les replays ! Les replays quelque part ? Je suis parti au milieu de la game sur Cache !

GoldenHam il y a 9 ans

C'est vrai que je connais mal Team Property, ça me fera une occasion de les découvrir ce soir !<br /> <br /> Pour ce qui est du cast, j'aurais du employé le mot "analytique". Mon impression (qui a été partagé par quelques personnes sur l'IRC lors du précédent showmatch) est que vous êtes un peu trop descriptif lors de vos cast. Vous passez trop de temps à simplement dire ce qui s'affiche à l'écran.<br /> Je pense que votre cast serait de meilleur qualité si vous étiez plus didactique (expliquer clairement les enjeux des maps, pourquoi un gun round ou un knife round est important, en quoi consiste grossièrement les control map, les rush, les contre eco, le travail en binôme, le contre stuff, bref, tout ce qui pourrait aider un néophyte à comprendre ce qui se déroule sous ses yeux hormis "machin a tué bidule").<br /> Après, le côté technique (rentrer dans le vif du sujet et essayer d'explique les strats et les stuffs en temps réel, ce qui est vraiment compliqué sur CS) est optionnel et, tu as raison, pas forcément approprié.<br /> <br /> Mes remarques (qui n'engagent que moi) peuvent sembler négatives, mais je trouve vos cast tout de même très agréable et je prend plaisir à vous suivre. Bonne continuation donc, et à ce soir !

Alkalone75 il y a 9 ans

Bonjour,<br /> Merci pour ton retour ! <br /> - "moins équilibré" : Je peux t'assurer que c'est notre priorité. Et j'espère que la soirée nous donnera raison :)<br /> - "moins alléchant" : Pour cette édition, les topteams FR n'étaient pas dispo, et nous n'allions pas reprendre encore une fois Epsilon juste après le premier. Ces deux équipes n'ont pas forcément un jeu d'équipe incroyable à regarder, mais un skill individuel assez hors du commun, notamment les snipers.<br /> - "Plus technique le cast" : Le soucis (ou pas) c'est que nous nous adressons à un public qui connait peu voir pas du tout cs:go, donc on essaye de composer pour que tout le monde puisse comprendre.

GoldenHam il y a 9 ans

Ce showmatch m'a l'air moins équilibré et alléchant que le premier !<br /> Mais cela reste une très bonne nouvelle, j'espère voir du beau jeu et qu'Alka et Spoke vont essayer de nous fournir un cast tout aussi agréable mais plus technique que le précédent showmatch.


En Continu

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CS:GO prouve qu'il est le jeu le plus populaire sur Steam en battant un record inégalé sur la plateforme !
En attendant le Major de Paris, kennyS devient le sniper le plus meurtrier en LANs
Counter-Strike - NBK : « Peu importe l’équipe que je rejoindrais, on sera au prochain Major »


à découvrir

Le mode d'emploi du ranking dans CSGO
Guide : Plan maps officielles
Armes et accessoires de CS GO